
Executive Committee 2024-2025

Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees is composed of the officers of OJACC. The Executive Committee may act for the Board between meetings of the Board and have other authority, power and duties as the Board may delegate. The President of OJACC severs as the Chair of the Executive Committee.


Linda Janes
Alvis, Inc.

First Vice President:
Ro-Ellen Sinkewich
Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana

Second Vice President:
Molly Gauntner

Katie Stenman
Delaware County Probate/Juvenile Court

Terrance Hinton
OSU College of Arts & Science

Past President:
Michael Randle
Oriana House, Inc.

Public Outreach Committee

The Public Outreach Committee shall be responsible for the creation of a newsletter to be periodically distributed to the members/interested parties of OJACC to promote and support effective community corrections and provide current, relevant education in the field of community corrections.

The committee shall work with a designer to update the OJACC website and create other social media platforms to increase the visibility of OJACC and increase the ability to disseminate current, relevant information important to the field of community corrections.


Veronica Perry and Anjolie Harland

Juvenile Justice Committee

The Juvenile Justice Committee supports OJACC’s mission and goals related to Ohio’s juvenile justice system, with a focus on policies and services that impact community-based programs for juveniles.  The committee seeks:

  • to promote policies that will improve Ohio’s juvenile justice system,
  • to gather data that will promote improved policies and programs,
  • to create linkage between juvenile organizations,
  • to develop resources for community-based training, and
  • to educate policy makers and Practitioners on principles of effective community correctional-based practices for juveniles.
  • to create a juvenile workshop track for the annual conference

Brooke Burns

Conference Committee

The Conference Committee is responsible for planning, supervising, and implementing the community corrections annual conference.  The conference chairs and committee are responsible for managing the content of the annual conference and work in conjunction with the OJACC Executive Director.  The Conference Committee members give input on site selection, keynote and workshop speakers, scheduling and programming of the annual conference that is consistent with the goals of OJACC.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Review conference feedback to determine topics for future programs,
  • Select a range of topics relevant to the needs of community corrections
  • Work on speaker contact information,
  • Function as moderators for sessions and assist with the general activities of the conference as needed.

Ro-Ellen Sinkewich and Molly Gauntner

Policy/Advocacy Committee

The Policy/Advocacy Committee shall study legislative bills, resolutions and matters relevant to advocacy, development, and implementation of public policy related to community corrections and make recommendations to the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, the Congress of the United States and policymakers upon approval of the board.  The committee shall report to the Board of Trustees on proposed legislation that may be of interest to OJACC.


Phil Nunes and Ro-Ellen Sinkewich